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Milí kolegové a milí žáci,

publikujeme e-book vytvořený ke zmapování činnosti naší a partnerských škol z Nizozemí, Litvy a Portugalska v projektu Off the Main Highlights, který byl ukončen 31.srpna 2022.

Jste zváni do této kroniky nahlédnout anebo se i začíst, abyste si udělali představu, načem vaši spolužáci nebo učitelé pracovali a co takový projekt mezinárodní spolupráce škol může obsahovat za aktivity:



“The European Commission is not responsible for the content of this publication”.


Sdílení např.

OTMH FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/offthemainhighlights1921

OTMH INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/offthemainhighlights/


OTMH TWINSPACE at the new European portal: https://school-education.ec.europa.eu/en/etwinning/projects/main-highlights

rvp.cz: https://blogy.rvp.cz/b2support/2022/10/26/off-the-main-highlights-e-book-projektu-spoluprace-skol/

Učitelé+ : https://www.facebook.com/groups/uciteleplus/permalink/5510334255716802/

Association of English Teachers of the Czech Republic Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/156797197729764/permalink/5566307856778644/

Litevský web The News of Education: Lithuanian The News of Education

Litevský web Prezidento Antano Smetonos Gimnazija: PREZIDENTO ANTANO SMETONOS GIMNAZIJA

Nizozemský web Bataafs Lyceum Hengelo: Bataafs Lyceum Hengelo

Portugalský web na Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela: AGRUMANETO DE ESCOLAS DE VILELA WEBSITE



Dear pupils and teachers or parents/ anyone from the public reading this,
we would like to share with you an e-book that chronicles the activities and events of a European schools-cooperation project OFF THE MAIN HIGHLIGHTS.
Let us give you some context concerning the project: this three-year collaborative partnership and work, including mobilities, was realized by our school, Gymnázium Děčín, and our partners:  Bataafs Lyceum Hengelo, Agrupmaneto de Escolas de Vilela, Prezidento Antonos Smetanos Gimnazija.
The concrete-result goal of the project was to map places "off the main highlights" that are not the most famous tourist attractions in our region but are still worth visiting because of their historical, architectonical, biological and geographical value. Pupils from our four secondary schools went on expeditions and then together created a Google map with markers in English, Czech, Dutch, Lithuanian and Portuguese. They also created and recorded several drama sketches linked to the off-the-main-highlights places and spoke to local people. Of course, as we were four European countries, a big part of the mobilities were team-building activities. In each mobility, there was a treasure/photo hunt with an app too. Of course, our pupils stayed in a host family of a partner pupil for a week to learn more about the way of life in the local families. Lust but not least, the teams had cultural experiences prepared for them in each country, e.g. burning of troubles in Portugal, cycling in the Netherlands, grilling sausages at a campfire in Czechia, and traditional dance in Lithuania. Moreover, in the mobility week visiting pupils gave lectures about their country, region, and school to pupils in chosen classes. The lingua franca of the project was English, however, some little learning of our countries' mother tongues appeared too.
All these activities had had to be prepared and organized by each country, which was the work of our clubs in between the mobilities, but we had extra activities as well: teams introductions, brainstorming what we know about partner countries at the beginning of the project, logo creation, video conferences among pupils and teachers, travelling mascot panda showing around our school and region, lectures by experts - historians, park employees, writers, preparatory expeditions.
The whole project aimed at the development of pupils' skills necessary for their career and also personal life in the 21st century, such as English language, ICT, critical thinking, creative, cooperative, project and social skills. Pupils developed these skills during project work in schools' clubs or in international teams during mobilities to partner schools and regions. Next, we had wanted to have a project that would get pupils and teachers outdoors and physically active, which definitely happened, and even some more demanding hiking, rafting or Ferrata climbing was included. . A part of the project was also valuable feedback on it, which is to be found in the final project e-book in detail - from involved pupils, their parents, and teacher coordinators and leaders.
Altogether there were directly involved in the work from four countries: 61 active pupils, 24 teachers/management members, and project pupils' families hosting foreign pupils.  Next, hundreds of other people were somehow affected by the project: other pupils and teachers from our four schools, project participants' families and friends, experts helping with the preparatory activities and mobilities, national agencies responsible for Erasmus Plus projects in Czechia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Portugal, but also local council employees, visited institutions' employes, tourist information centres and various local businesses.
These memorable three years are documented in the final e-book, which you may enter and read here:
FLIPPING-PAGES version of the OTMH e-book: https://online.fliphtml5.com/ywpba/vsgj/
Thank you for your work if you are one of the people who have worked on this project or if  in some way you have helped and supported us.



Š. O.

Naposledy změněno pátek, 28 říjen 2022 12:18

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